Seven Cats Farm
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It's been three years since I've been in this space. So much has happened, and yet so much has stayed the same. I've been working at a community college...
We have gone live on Etsy, selling our soaps (lavender, patchouli and unscented) as well as our Lavender essential oil. Come on over and take a gander...
It started out simply enough. We drove to Moss Landing, CA Moss Landing Power Plant We boarded our boat. Sea Goddess, our boat The Lovey and I, excited...
We have a little family of wild turkeys. Mind you, these are not 'ours', but true WILD birds that hang around our farm. At first, there were just three...
Turkeys left some feathers Saturday was an exciting day. The Lovey and I had a big lavender day! We've been investigating this path for over a year ...
What are we doing? Well, another craft show! May Fest is being held at the Custom House Plaza, across from Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey this Saturday...
We're doing a little personal reflection today at Seven Cats Farm. 2015 has been, um, interesting thus far, to say the least. Sally Sage In January...
..... that we will be located close to the beer tent at Good Old Days this weekend. If things are going well (and if the beer is decent), you might want...
... at Good Old Days this weekend? Well, other than looking for Booth #1 between 14th and 15th Streets, you can look for this banner. We should be pretty...
We're number one. This usually that means awesome, the best, undefeated. Go Us! In this case, however, it means that we are in Booth Number One at Good...
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Seven Cats Farm
an independent organic farm in Monterey County, California, near the Monterey Bay
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