Skates and Stitches
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Well hello. I am here, I promise. I'm still crocheting away on a number of things on the nights when I don't pass out the sofa the minute I finish my...
I have not blogged in a long time. I have been crafting lots of bits, if a bit slowly, but I've not finished anything for a while. However, I finally...
A few years ago I crocheted myself (and some friends) an Ewok hood from the awesome Yub Nub Scoodie pattern. At the time, I was completely aware that...
Oh hey, it's me again, with another baby blanket! I seriously can't help myself. One of my workmates was going off to have a baby, so I decided to get...
According to my sketchbook it's been two years since I last drew something. Ridiculous! Last week I went to a life drawing class with a pal from work...
Another year, and another set of babies who need blankets crocheted for them. I love making baby blankets! They're so much fun, and honestly, you can...
Last present of this festive season, and it's for my mum. I decided to make her a hot water bottle cover, as she uses hers loads, so I thought it would...
For my family I decided to make some cute crocheted tissue box covers. I used the same pattern I've used a couple of times before, which is Twinkie Chan...
I left a lot of my Christmas presents a little bit later than I would usually like this year, so I was looking for things that were cute to make but maybe...
This year at work I took part in Secret Santa, handily got my Marketing team mate, and decided to make him a couple of gifts as he shares a lot of geeky...
In the summer I made some owl mug cozies for Ivy's childminders, and one of them asked if I could make another for her as a Christmas gift for her mother...
Unfortunately Skates and Stitches has no news yet.
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[...] April 2nd. Original image. April 3rd. Original image. April 4th. Original image. April 5th. Original image. April 6th. Original image. April 7th. Original image. April 8th. Original image. [...]
[...] April 9th. Original image. April 10th. Original image. April 11th. Original image. April 12th. Original image. April 13th. Original image. April 14th. Original image. April [...] . Original image. [...]
[...] July 16th. Original image. July 17th. Original image. July 18th. Original image. July 19th. Original image. July 20th. Original image. July 21st. Original image. July 22nd. Original image. [...]
[...] July 9th. Original image. July 10th. Original image. July 11th. Original image. July 12th. Original image. July 13th. Original image. July 14th. Original image. July 15th. Original image. [...]
[...] A little while ago, I blogged about Simply Crochet's awesome new app, Granny Square a Week. I decided that I should really have a bash at all the granny square patterns on offer. [...]
[...] More lovely granny squares from the Simply Crochet Granny Square a Week app! Granny Square 1 - Granny Ardith. I think this is my favourite square from this set of four. I love the last [...]
[...] ! Hopefully you enjoy another update of my latest batch of squares from the Simply Crochet Granny Square a Week app. They are definitely getting more challenging as the weeks go on, so it's totally [...]
[...] Have you seen Simply Crochet's new FREE app? It's called Granny Square a Week and I have to say, I'm quite excited about it! I love making granny squares, as you may [...]
[...] to pop in with her main present. I found a little embroidered button kit I had got free with Mollie Makes quite some time ago, and decided to make her a little set of brooches. The kit came with red, [...]
[...] I raided through my free kit bag and came out with this cute little fox brooch kit from Mollie Makes. I love the patterns from Mollie Makes kits, but sometimes the supplies aren't amazing. [...]
[...] it's both a free kit and I used my sewing machine. I've had this cute fabric luggage tag from Mollie Makes for ages now, but never really had a use for it. I decided it might make a cute case for my [...]
[...] I spent more time than I would like to say hunting down this Mollie Makes special DIY Fashion issue. I went to like 10 different shops before I found it, which I think [...]
[...] I have a total fear of my sewing machine. It's far more prominent than my fear of knitting and my fear of cutting into fabric of any [...]
[...] cards we got into some sort of display, perhaps similar to our engagement cards. 8. Use my sewing machine once a month. Another fear I need to get over, my sewing machine! I really want to branch out [...]
[...] very excited, and of course said yes, though I was a bit scared as it meant a meeting with my sewing machine. I had a very clear idea in my head of how I wanted it to look, but was worried it wouldn't [...]
[...] I keep seeing lovely patterns, but I've never gotten around to it (because of my fear of the sewing machine!). This one is basically two in one though, so I feel I should really get a move on. Look at [...]
[...] the winter, and I always appreciate an extra layer. I went with a combo of different coloured granny squares and plain coloured ones to mix it up a bit. I really didn't like doing the plain coloured [...]
[...] I love crochet, and granny squares are sort of my go to crochet make, but I've always wanted to be able to do amigurumi. Well [...]
[...] tickles your pickle. I have to say, I love it! And I'm quite excited to see what other granny squares they come out with. It's going to be so handy to just have it on my phone, instead of relying [...]
[...] to have a gander at. Granny Square 1 - Your First Granny. Even though I've made a good few granny squares, I decided to still have a bash at the first one. I always sort of forget the chain placement [...]
[...] this kit would be quite easy due my recent success, but boy was I wrong! I sat and made this free kit on evening at my mum's, and after a couple of attempts I "finished". This is what it [...]
[...] decided to give them a go last week when I was taking something to my mum's to craft. This is a free kit from Cross Stitcher way back in 2012 (proving I definitely need to clear out my free kits and [...]
[...] to make little decorations that I could maybe pop on my Christmas tree. While this wasn't a free kit, I'm happy I finished off making it, as it's been sitting half done since April. And I still [...]
[...] Another free kit and another Christmas kit at that! This time it's the super cute Scandi bird kit by Lucy of [...]
[...] loads faster). So here they are, including all the patterns I used. Beginners hat pattern. Double crochet hat pattern. Crochet beret/tam pattern (I added the pom pom to this). Crochet flower on top [...]
[...] colours from the coloured section to make it a bit different. You're also supposed to double crochet around the entire thing to finish it off, again in the purple wool, but I did it in the [...]
[...] strange shape on the outside instead of it just being a nice square. I do like the mixing of double crochet and triple crochet though, and I love the circle part in the middle. It's good to know I can [...]
[...] and also I had loads of white left over to use. Finally for the edging I did a round of double crochet and then a round of scallop edging. I had bought this cute multicoloured wool, which I [...]
[...] Have you seen Simply Crochet's new FREE app? It's called Granny Square a Week and I have to say, I'm quite excited about [...]
[...] A little while ago, I blogged about Simply Crochet's awesome new app, Granny Square a Week. I decided that I should really have a bash at all [...]
[...] This time it's the super cute Scandi bird kit by Lucy of Attic 24, which came free with Simply Crochet. I feel a bit more confident in my crochet skills these days so I was confident I could [...]
[...] square update. I've been trying to make all the squares from the Simply Crochet Granny Square a Week app, and so far I've made 24 of them! Phew! Who knew there were so many different types?! So here [...]
[...] or something, it would be even more annoying! Have you been using the Simply Crochet Granny a Week app? How's your experience been? [...]
[...] More lovely granny squares from the Simply Crochet Granny Square a Week app! Granny Square 1 - Granny Ardith. I think this is my favourite square from this set of four. I [...]
[...] you enjoy another update of my latest batch of squares from the Simply Crochet Granny Square a Week app. They are definitely getting more challenging as the weeks go on, so it's totally challenging my [...]
[...] More lovely granny squares from the Simply Crochet Granny Square a Week app! Granny Square 1 - Granny Ardith. I think this is my favourite square from [...]
[...] everyone! Hopefully you enjoy another update of my latest batch of squares from the Simply Crochet Granny Square a Week app. They are definitely getting more challenging as the weeks go on, so it's [...]
[...] since I did a granny square update. I've been trying to make all the squares from the Simply Crochet Granny Square a Week app, and so far I've made 24 of them! Phew! Who knew there were so many [...]
[...] April 2nd. Original image. April 3rd. Original image. April 4th. Original image. April 5th. Original image. April 6th. Original image. April 7th. Original image. April 8th. Original image. [...]
[...] April 9th. Original image. April 10th. Original image. April 11th. Original image. April 12th. Original image. April 13th. Original image. April 14th. Original image. April [...] . Original image. [...]
[...] July 16th. Original image. July 17th. Original image. July 18th. Original image. July 19th. Original image. July 20th. Original image. July 21st. Original image. July 22nd. Original image. [...]
[...] July 9th. Original image. July 10th. Original image. July 11th. Original image. July 12th. Original image. July 13th. Original image. July 14th. Original image. July 15th. Original image. [...]
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