Step to Install
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The program can be used to add and manage repositories as well as Ubuntu Personal Package Archives (PPA) and on Ubuntu, the Ubuntu Software Center also...
We are giving 3 solution for ‘How to Install Python (PIP) on a Mac OS X?’. All are simple and working methods. Method 1: Install Homebrew first. To...
Homebrew is a package management software, and it is free/open source on Mac OS X. Homebrew is written in Ruby Language. It is by default installed at...
Click Here-> Step to Install DOSBox on Windows. Are you going to install Trubo C, C++, Laravel, Yii2 framework and etc on Ubuntu? Before install...
DOSBox is an Emulator of an IBM PC compatible computer running a DOS OS. It’s a free software written in C++ language. Download New Version of DOSBox...
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the dependent libraries your project needs and it will install them in your...
Sometime when you are trying to upload / import your Database ( MySql file ) in PhpMyAdmin, you may face following issue, You probably tried to upload...
PHP cURL is won’t work sometimes in wamp server on windows 64 bit. Here Windows OS may be XP, 7, 8 or 10. But for 64 bit system it’s may occur. It’s common...
Want to redirect URL? Want to redirect one page to another page? We will give all programming language’s solutions. We will make it simple. Code for...
Are you going to convert the date-times to UTC or else? Python having Extensions for Date-times. That is dateutil. It’s standard Python datetime module...
When going to install Node.js with following command line, npm install grunt you may get Error: ENOENT, stat ‘C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\npm’...
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