Stop Psychotherapy Takeover
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The post OCMHP Executive Summary Response to the Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council’s Regulation of Health Professions in Ontario: New Directions...
The post Excerpts from Freedom of Information Documents, from MOHLTC appeared first on Stop Psychotherapy Takeover.
The Ontario College of Registered Psychotherapists Autumn 2013 Report, by Bob Bond Download (PDF, Unknown) The post appeared first on Stop Psychotherapy...
As a threat to our ability to practice natural and alternative treatment looms, with permission we are posting this self-explanatory letter from a long...
See the interesting definition of Psychotherapy and near the bottom, read about the questionable effectiveness of psychotherapy here: http://en.wikipedia...
See an awesome discussion of what the NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists) has said and not said about the attempt of Psychotherapy to control all treatments...
At a time when people by the millions are abandoning conventional treatments for emotional, mental and physical issues of life in favor of dignified,...
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[...] ) may be risky to the client, they then pressed to make such treatment by anyone a ‘controlled act’ to eliminate those not controlled, such as energy healers and hypnotherapists. No mental/ [...]
[...] individual’s judgment, insight, behaviour, communication or social functioning” is the new controlled act of psychotherapy and this is added to the existing list of 13 controlled acts within [...]
[...] right to call ourselves whatever we want and to offer whatever services we want to (if a controlled act, then offered within the regulations of that controlled act) AND DO SO WITHOUT HAVING TO BE [...]
[...] therapeutic relationship, of an individual’s serious disorder of thought, cognition, mood, emotional regulation, perception or memory that may seriously impair the individual’s judgment, insight, [...]
[...] relationship, an individual’s serious disorder of thought, cognition, mood, emotional regulation, perception or memory that may seriously impair the individual’s judgement, insight, [...]
[...] and passed without meaningful public consultation with all stakeholders: i.e. alternative practitioners and their clients. I invite you to read the excellent article by Grace Joubarne on [...]
[...] not usually been effectively resolved by psychotherapy. Effect of this legislation on alternative practitioners, spiritual advisors, healers and their clients: While alternative practitioners may not [...]
[...] divide us. Because if we are divided, we are conquered by tyrannical forces. All alternative practitioners must stick together and fight for our freedom to practice. Please donate as much as [...]
[...] Act, 2007, amended 2009 This Schedule adds that “treatment, delivered through a therapeutic relationship, of an individual’s serious disorder of thought, cognition, mood, emotional regulation, [...]
[...] as follows: 14. Treating, by means of psychotherapy technique, delivered through a therapeutic relationship, an individual’s serious disorder of thought, cognition, mood, emotional regulation, [...]
[...] the controlled act that relates to psychotherapy as follows: 14. Treating, by means of psychotherapy technique, delivered through a therapeutic relationship, an individual’s serious disorder of [...]
[...] imposed on his or her certificate of registration, to treat, by means of psychotherapy technique delivered through a therapeutic relationship, an individual’s serious disorder of [...]
[...] process. This omission is considered a significant cultural difference as viewed by holistic practitioners. We work with subtle energies Unlike Western Medicine, holistic healing works with subtle [...]
[...] , like to offer a perspective on this situation that I think deserves your attention. As holistic healers we often see ourselves being different from each other. It’s hard to see what a Reiki [...]
[...] or treatment is deemed to present an increased risk of harm to the client/patient. What holistic healers do is not harmful, does not involve risk of harm and is not psychotherapy in any way shape [...]
[...] and treatment of this ‘disturbance’, a ‘controlled act of psychotherapy’, through psychotherapy techniques as prescribed by the College of Psychotherapy. THE ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT OF A ‘ [...]
[...] ) may be risky to the client, they then pressed to make such treatment by anyone a ‘controlled act’ to eliminate those not controlled, such as energy healers and hypnotherapists. No mental/ [...]
[...] individual’s judgment, insight, behaviour, communication or social functioning” is the new controlled act of psychotherapy and this is added to the existing list of 13 controlled acts within [...]
[...] right to call ourselves whatever we want and to offer whatever services we want to (if a controlled act, then offered within the regulations of that controlled act) AND DO SO WITHOUT HAVING TO BE [...]
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