Susan Graham Guddat
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Besides the Betty Rubble hair I gave myself – haha! – pretend that is me lying down in Sivasana also known as the Relaxation Position. Yes, I drew the...
The Full Yogic Breath is a classic Pranayama which Sue guides you through in this post. Here is a written explanation of it: Take a big in and out breath...
Why is Pranayama good for you? (Oh and what exactly is ‘Pranayama’ anyway?) Pranayama is the yoga term for ‘breathing technique’ – more specifically...
Meditation, breathing and being in the present moment are the keys to accessing your Stream of Consciousness! So, do you meditate? If so, maybe examine...
Please enjoy this Grounding Energy Meditation I made for you. My family and I are lucky to be able to spend a lot of our summertime up north at the family...
This Magenta Meditation is for you from me with magical magenta love! Why magenta you may ask? The colour magenta is magnificent for many reasons –...
We made this for you so be sure to follow along – get ready to relax and go with the flow! My hubby Todd very willingly demonstrates for us the modified...
Love Big Meditation You can practice this meditation however you choose, but here are a few suggestions; seated – in supported seated meditation position...
I saw this on Gabby Bernstein’s timeline recently – not sure if it’s her quote or June Ambrose!…either way its a fun one! xoxo
This quote comes from Steven Pressfield’s book called, The War of Art. Pressfield continues on by saying that, “Resistance will tell you anything to...
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