Sydney Vocal Project
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The post SVP sing with Aled Jones appeared first on Sydney Vocal Project.
Click here for more information on auditions The post Click Here for Membership Try Outs 2017 appeared first on Sydney Vocal Project.
This award winning vocal group will be performing 9 new charts and some old favourites. The post 2016 EOY PERFORMANCE INFO appeared first on Sydney Vocal...
Can you make the soundz of a drum kit? If so, you will also need to be able to sing. We have an opening for a beatboxer/singer. Male or Female considered...
When you get to my page and was posted on 16/1/16 If you read on, you SHOULD listen to this video on headphones for maximum impact! This is primarily...
The post Goulburn Vocal Project Video Dec 2015 appeared first on Sydney Vocal Project.
The post Wanna join SVP? Click these words to see video appeared first on Sydney Vocal Project.
Come and hear the latest from SVP’s 2015 season of learning. Items include songs from Simply Red, Les Mis, Daft Punk, Beatles, Mozart, Rachmaninov, Stevie...
Your chance to sing in the beautiful Goulburn Cathedral 12/12/15. You must register before 10/09/15 The post A cappella Workshop ~ GVP appeared first...
To complete our groups vocal plans for 2015 we are looking for 3 more Male Bass singers. This accomplished group are… Posted by Sydney Vocal Project...
The post SVP win NSW State Championship appeared first on Sydney Vocal Project.
Unfortunately Sydney Vocal Project has no news yet.
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[...] Sydney Vocal Project are extremely proud and happy to say the projects first milestone has been met. Our $3,000 [...]
[...] Come and see a fantastic selection of great Australian a cappella Vocal Bands/Groups. Sydney Vocal Project will be performing on Saturday 7th Sept, evening show, alongside some great local vocal [...]
[...] Can’t commit to full time membership of a fabulous Vocal Ensemble? Sydney Vocal Project are sponsoring a wonderful Community Music Event. There are already 30 singers signed up [...]
[...] . The post SVP “POZIBLE” CD CAMPAIGN appeared first on SYDNEY VOCAL PROJECT. [...]
[...] We had a great afternoon in the studio managed to lay down 12 tracks…here’s a sneak peak, very rough mix. We are doing a live album, so it’s a bit raw until its mastered properly. We [...]
[...] until our 5th birthday Presentation in 2014. Hope you like…. The post SVP E.O.Y 2013 Presentation Video Compilation appeared first on SYDNEY VOCAL PROJECT. [...]
[...] Come and see a fantastic selection of great Australian a cappella Vocal Bands/Groups. Sydney Vocal Project will be performing on Saturday 7th Sept, evening show, alongside [...]
[...] ensemble. Directed by McKay Crockett, Vocal Point wows audiences everywhere with their vocal firepower, innovative arrangments, and remarkable vocal percussion. The post Awesome Version of a [...]
[...] Sydney Vocal Project are extremely proud and happy to say the projects first milestone has been met. Our $3,000 [...]
[...] Come and see a fantastic selection of great Australian a cappella Vocal Bands/Groups. Sydney Vocal Project will be performing on Saturday 7th Sept, evening show, alongside some great local vocal [...]
[...] Can’t commit to full time membership of a fabulous Vocal Ensemble? Sydney Vocal Project are sponsoring a wonderful Community Music Event. There are already 30 singers signed up [...]
[...] . The post SVP “POZIBLE” CD CAMPAIGN appeared first on SYDNEY VOCAL PROJECT. [...]
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