The Call Center
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We’ve done a bit of research on a few companies and want to share our findings with you on the benefits and drawbacks of a few Call Centers. Davinci...
You want to outsource your telephone customer support services to focus on your core business and that’s a great idea. But, are you ready? If...
What Call Center will you / your organization choose to represent your business? The list of available call centers that wants your business can seem...
Every business has it’s own unique way of doing things, it’s own software that it uses, or something peculiar to their business that requires...
One of the easiest places to start outsourcing some of your work is in hiring a virtual assistant but it can also be tricky to get an assistant that will...
Two of the hottest offshore countries to outsource your call center are India and the Philippines. Which is better? Most people are more familiar and...
Outsourcing some of your business processes is a big step in the growth of any business and when done right can make the difference between being successful...
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