The Christensen's Camelot


Channel Reputation Rank


Activity Status


last updated

According to the data and stats that were collected, 'The Christensen's Camelot' channel has a mediocre rank. The feed was last updated more than a month ago. In addition 'The Christensen's Camelot' includes a significant share of images in comparison to the text content. The channel mostly uses long articles along with sentence constructions of the basic readability level, which is a result indicating a well-balanced textual content on the channel.

About 'The Christensen's Camelot' Channel

Our Happily Ever After...

? Updates History Monthly Yearly
? Content Ratio
? Average Article Length

Long articles are widely used on 'The Christensen's Camelot' as elaborated and interesting content can help the channel to reach a high number of subscribers. In addition there are a few medium length articles.



? Readability Level

'The Christensen's Camelot' mostly contains texts of a basic readability level which may show their aim to reach a wider audience. Besides, there are a smaller number of articles of intermediate readability.



? Sentiment Analysis

Positive emotional expressions prevail throughout the texts: they may include favorable reviews, appreciation or praise in regard to the subjects addressed on the channel. However, the channel also contains some rather negative or critical records that make up just a small amount of all its content.



Recent News

Unfortunately The Christensen's Camelot has no news yet.

But you may check out related channels listed below.

Jingle Update

[...] about Jingle's 3rd visit to our home... today, we will pick up with Jingle's fourth visit. Jingle Day # 4 On Thursday morning, we woke-up to find Jingle sitting in our living room all tangled up in [...]

Merry Christmas Eve

[...] this book to Robbie almost every night this week! A Look Back At Our Week With Jingle ... Jingle Day # 23 This morning, we found our Jingle proudly sitting in our living room wearing a little [...]

Preparing For Christmas

[...] blogged about Jingle on Thursday and so, we will pick up with last Friday's Jingle sighting! Jingle Day # 12 Robbie stayed the night with Gigi and Grandpa last Friday, so Jingle made a trip to [...]

Ahh December...

[...] is missing us as well... we miss our Daddy :( I'll save you some meatloaf hunny... hurry home! Jingle Day 2 Our little elf friend made a rather dramatic appearance this morning! Jingle left another [...]

Our Long Weekend

[...] , let them air-dry for four days, and then Gi Gi painted and varnished them. They made one for Aunt Becky and me, also! Even though Grandma Carla was wearing a green necklace, she put on Robbie's [...]

31 Years Old

[...] everyday to help change diapers, rock, feed and do laundry... OH THE AMOUNT OF LAUNDRY!!! My Aunt Becky has helped out so much with the babies as well as helped keep my little Robbie entertained and [...]


[...] to help almost to a fault. I am so thankful for her endless love, compassion and strength. My Aunt Becky is my loyal friend. Aunt Becky is a true friend, she is always there no matter what. She is a [...]

My Three Sons

[...] our packed bags, left Robbie with my Mom and Dad and told both sets of Grandparents and my Aunt Becky to meet us at the hospital as soon as possible. It was now almost 5:30 p.m and they wanted to [...]

Holiday Happenings ... Wrapping-Up Christmas & Ringing In The New Year

[...] little ones loved this time with the family. I feel so bad that I didn't get more pictures on Christmas Eve... I was having too great of a time enjoying everyone. :) My sweet Father In-Law will be [...]

Thankful To Serve

[...] happy Christmas Eve's, when the whole family was all together and on one particularly sad Christmas Eve, when my Grandma Vera had just passed away a month earlier in November. Either way, my dear [...]

The Greatest Gifts Underneath My Christmas Tree

[...] Christian year begins with the twelve-day celebration of Christmastide, which lasts from Christmas Eve until Epiphany on January 6. (Advent begins on the Sunday that falls between November [...]

Merry Christmas Eve

[...] and I will do our best to pack that in our sleigh this year so that we can have it to you on Christmas Eve. You are growing up so fast. Mrs. Claus and I are amazed that you turned 3 on May 5th. [...]

Our Life Lately....

[...] and discovered I was 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced!!!! My sweet doctor guessed that these little guys would naturally cause me to go into labor on their own within the next three to five days... [...]

Ketchup Day

[...] our beliefs on vaccines... so I do not have weights and stats on the boys just yet. Here are my little guys at five months old. I can't believe they will be half a year old next week!!! Where oh where [...]

34 Weeks With My Twins

[...] between the 10th and 17th of March. So, if at all possible for me to hold off on having these little guys until mid March, you can bet I will schedule their birthday to be on St. Patty's Day! I would [...]

Motherhood Is...

[...] men so much! This is just a quick photo post to capture the little  moments of these three little guys throughout the day that make me so happy to be their mama ...before long, they will all be [...]

Visitors On A Saturday Afternoon

[...] cards for Rich and me. Here are some of the receiving blankets from Aimee. Grandpa Ken and Grandma Carla came by for a visit as well! It was so nice to watch them hold both babies! They also brought [...]

This and That Taking A Little Time To Stop And Smell The Roses

[...] ! It was nice to share Joey and Jake with the family! This is Great Grandpa William Branch,  (Grandma Carla's Daddy) holding Joey. Building 3 year old memories! Thank you, God. Happy Birthday to our [...]

Our Long Weekend

[...] each baby this coming week when I have another anatomy scan and Non-stress test. Rich's mom, Grandma Carla went with us to the doctor appointment. We really wanted her to be able to see the babies on [...]

Merry Christmas Eve

[...] After the nativity, we all went back to Grandma and Grandpa Christensen's for hot chocolate in Grandma Carla's famous Santa mugs and to watch The Polar Express! Such a fun night! Jingle Day # 19 On [...]

Bible School

[...] Robbie's First Day of Bible School Bible Study Fellowship September 17, 2014 Preschool Study of Moses Three Year Old Class Over [...]

A Little of This and A Little of That...

[...] the other two asked what church was? Robbie kept on and this time said, " Well I go to Bible school on Wednesday's with my Mommy. Do you go to Bible School too?" The little boys all said no [...]

Getting Back To Normal

[...] unable to go this past week because of his sick bug. :( We are all hoping he will start, "Bible School", ( as he calls it) this Wednesday. I have a story to share with you all today. It has [...]

This and That

[...] seeds today! Such a fun, natural learning experience! Robbie was pretty excited about, "Bible School" this week. Robbie was asked to be the line leader of the rope, ( you know the big rope [...]

Happy Third Birthday Robbie

[...] free little boy! You are a wonderful big brother with a kind spirit. We love you sweet pea! Happy Birthday! Love, Mommy [...]

The Christensen Home Happenings...

[...] his Daddy in the cool of the evening. Today is Rich's Birthday!! Happy 32nd Birthday babe!! Happy Birthday to a wonderful hubby/ friend and Father! Have a fabulous day and enjoy the simple things in [...]

Happy Birthday Aimee

[...] Happy Birthday, Aimee!!! Today is my dear friend, Aimee's birthday. We love you Aimee and we wish you a year [...]

Blessed & Thankful...

[...] get everyone looking at the camera at the same time! :) As you can tell! Make a wish! A very happy birthday to a very good Gigi!! Well friends, I am so thankful for each of you this Thanksgiving! I am [...]

The Itch-ies

[...] grandparents always there for us whenever we need them at a moments notice. Thank you Gigi and Grandpa Ray for being so self sacrificing of your time and life for us. Thank you for making us your top [...]

Rainy Day Happenings...

[...] . He is quite used to the idea of spending time, and snuggling with Gigi and playing with Grandpa Ray. I feel at ease knowing my little guy will be well taken care of while I am away. This [...]

Who's That Crunchy Mama?

[...] on his own little Date Night every Friday. Nobody else goes, the babies stay with GiGi and Grandpa Ray and it is two hours of fun with our little guy! We usually head over to the mall and ride the [...]

Our Long Weekend

[...] can play with it only after he does a poopie on the toilet. Happy Birthday Grandpa! Monday was Grandpa Ray's 63rd birthday! Robbie was so impressed that, "Grandpa had such a big number!" [...]

A Little Bit of Everything

[...] o'clock mail truck for delivery! So family and close friends, if you receive a Valentine from little Robbie, now you know the back story. Sticker Book Activity For The Two Year Old I labeled this [...]

31 Years Old

[...] !!! My Aunt Becky has helped out so much with the babies as well as helped keep my little Robbie entertained and happy! Rich's family has been so wonderful as well! My Mother In-Law [...]

The Itch-ies

[...] was comforting and true.... Jesus is the ultimate Physician and we thank Him for healing our little Robbie. My mom and I laid hands on Robbie and anointed him with oil this week. I was able to put my [...]

?Key Phrases
Jingle Update

[...] about Jingle's 3rd visit to our home... today, we will pick up with Jingle's fourth visit. Jingle Day # 4 On Thursday morning, we woke-up to find Jingle sitting in our living room all tangled up in [...]

Merry Christmas Eve

[...] this book to Robbie almost every night this week! A Look Back At Our Week With Jingle ... Jingle Day # 23 This morning, we found our Jingle proudly sitting in our living room wearing a little [...]

Preparing For Christmas

[...] blogged about Jingle on Thursday and so, we will pick up with last Friday's Jingle sighting! Jingle Day # 12 Robbie stayed the night with Gigi and Grandpa last Friday, so Jingle made a trip to [...]

Ahh December...

[...] is missing us as well... we miss our Daddy :( I'll save you some meatloaf hunny... hurry home! Jingle Day 2 Our little elf friend made a rather dramatic appearance this morning! Jingle left another [...]

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