Two More Waals
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We are going to be traveling back to Ethiopia with all four of our daughters. This will be our first trip back since we adopted Neti and Meke in 200...
These are the adopted kids of the presenters of the orphans workshop at NYC. Neti and Meke Waal Daughers of Tracy and Rhonda Adopted from Ethiopia, July...
A shout out to all Naz NYCers who are passionate about changing the world for orphans... Joel Tooley, James Smith, and I will be presenting a workshop...
Well, the contest is officially over today. It became so difficult for our family to determine the winners that we finally just put your names all in...
As I mentioned in my last post, we've received several copies of "Handbook on Thriving as an Adoptive Family" for submitting three articles that appear...
You've probably figured out by now that I quit blogging exactly one year after we brought our girls home. Since then life has "normalized". No need for...
For those of you who loved the T-shirt story, this one's even better. When we were at the orphanage in July, 2007, we snapped a picture of Neti and Meke...
The preschool Meke attends encourages kids to use their imagination and tell stories. This past week the teachers sat down and recorded the kid's stories...
Unfortunately Two More Waals has no news yet.
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[...] striped shirt immediately. In May of 2007 the six-year-old's caretakers told her that a forever family had been found. They chose the purple striped shirt for Yeabsera to wear for the official [...]
[...] Tsion. The shirt was a perfect fit - so perfect that it made the trip all the way with her forever family across the sea to Belgium, where her mother will read her "A T-Shirt Story" [...]
[...] fit - so perfect that it made the trip all the way with her across the sea with her forever family in Belgium, where her mother will read her "A T-Shirt Story (Part 2)" [...]
[...] For those of you who loved the T-shirt story, this one's even better. When we were at the orphanage in July, 2007, we snapped a picture of [...]
[...] way with her forever family across the sea to Belgium, where her mother will read her "A T-Shirt Story" tomorrow. The End. [...]
[...] , who was adopted from Ethiopia a few months ago. When they came across the post called, A T-Shirt Story, the little girl looked at the picture with astonishment. She was pointing at our youngest [...]
[...] , Yeabsera, who was adopted from Ethiopia in August. When they came across the post called A T-Shirt Story the little girl recognized the purple striped shirt immediately. In May of 2007 the six-year- [...]
[...] there. There's improvement, though. The food hasn't found its way into her hair or ears for several months. And I can't remember the last time she had food on her forehead. Not to long ago both girls [...]
[...] post is for those of you who are either thinking of or are in the process of adopting. Several months ago a publisher who found the blogsite asked permission to use several posts for a new [...]
[...] with a pink and white cloth - the same table - and same room - Neti and Meke had occupied several months earlier. Each morning the caretakers would lay clothes out for their kids on the pink and [...]
[...] was going through major changes in her life. In October, that little girl arrived at Kid's Care orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She was introduced to her new living quarters, a very small room [...]
[...] continue put it to good use. Later that same month, a 7-year-old little girl arrived at Kid's Care orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. One morning her caretakers chose a pink ladybug shirt for this [...]
[...] to the tag the shirt was made in India and imported to Spain (one of the countries Kid's Care Orphanage serves). The brand name of the shirt is, appropriately, Exit Kids. [...]
[...] major changes in her life. In October, that little girl arrived at Kid's Care orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She was introduced to her new living quarters, a very small room with two sets of [...]
[...] to good use. Later that same month, a 7-year-old little girl arrived at Kid's Care orphanage in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. One morning her caretakers chose a pink ladybug shirt for this little girl named [...]
[...] mentioned in my last post, we've received several copies of "Handbook on Thriving as an Adoptive Family" for submitting three articles that appear in the book. I'm giving them away to people [...]
[...] asked permission to use several posts for a new book titled "Handbook on Thriving as an Adoptive Family" (just published this fall). I get paid for our contribution in copies of the book. I [...]
[...] People, the little girl's eyes got big. "That girl is wearing my clothes! This is T-shirt Tsion!” She was pointing at our oldest adopted daughter, Neti, wearing a purple and white [...]
[...] her best friend from the orphanage, Selam. (And to wrap it all up with a big red bow...note the shirt Neti happens to be wearing) [...]
[...] while everyone else was eating Lucky Charms, we peeled back the plastic wrap and served Meke chicken. Nope. Pack it away again for lunch. Nope again. That evening we had friends over. Can't [...]
[...] down and recorded the kid's stories word for word and sent them home. Here's Meke's: I am the Princess Neti. I live in the castle with the other princesses. Then the prince comes. The prince goes with [...]
[...] striped shirt immediately. In May of 2007 the six-year-old's caretakers told her that a forever family had been found. They chose the purple striped shirt for Yeabsera to wear for the official [...]
[...] Tsion. The shirt was a perfect fit - so perfect that it made the trip all the way with her forever family across the sea to Belgium, where her mother will read her "A T-Shirt Story" [...]
[...] fit - so perfect that it made the trip all the way with her across the sea with her forever family in Belgium, where her mother will read her "A T-Shirt Story (Part 2)" [...]
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Two More Waals
Our family just adopted two sibling orphans, Neti and Meke, from Ethiopia. This blogsite documents our thoughts and expe...
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