Victor Coulon | Front-end & User Interface developer living in Paris
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I’m really happy to announce that since today you can start playing with an alpha version of an online application that I’m developping with my friend...
Today is my last day at Octave & Octave. I had an incredible time here. However, as with most journeys, the time has come for me to move on to the next...
For some time now, I’m a big fan of the Window Size Bookmarklet by Joss Crowcroft. This bookmarklet allows you to display the X/Y size of the viewport...
One week after Curtain.js I’m glad to announce the release of my latest plugin called “Glisse.js”. Glisse.js is a simple, responsive and fully customizable...
I’m happy to announce my last personnal project. This is a jQuery plugin for creating an unique page transitioning system. Instead of classic screen clean...
I needed to generate HTML elements which had random background colors with Sass. Unfortunately, it’s absolutely impossible. So, I decided to add a custom...
I just discovered this fabulous git command via Jon Rohan git shortlog -s -n It displays an ordered list of contributors to a GIT repository by their...
No later than a few days ago, at Octave & Octave, I had to make a grid generator in Sass which is fully responsive. Rather than using a fixed grid as...
I’m working on jQuery gallery plugin using CSS3 transitions. It will be responsive, lightweight and fully customizable. View video example
It’s a tooltip menu for a webapp that I’m working on. I’m using a bit of javascript to manage the events, and a lovely css3 transfromations to animate...
I’m fall in love with the new UI of Path. I really love the user interaction design like the “add menu”. So, as I’m a front-end developer, I tried to...
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