Rainbow running
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Don't fret! I'm not quitting this amazing world of blogging. I'm just moving my blog to: RainbowRunning.tumblr.com. I just have to say that it's quite...
Yay! I'm so proud of myself. I broke my previous half-marathon (13.1 miles or 21 km) personal record of 1 hour, 55 minutes, and 56 seconds to 1:52:5...
I'm starting a new category in my blog called PowerSong! Ka-pow! Just like in Nike+ (how original!) are PowerSongs are songs that "helps you kick it...
I did my first time trial last Thursday, 9 September. I started my time trial quite late as I had a client surprised me with additional work that afternoon...
I'm running another Half-Marathon race this Sunday, 12 september 2010. I'm joining the SAFRA Singapore Bay Run & Army Half Marathon. This annual...
I knew it was going to be a crazy day when I learned that I'm running 12 miles. And that I have a fun run on the same day. And that we're having our dragonboat...
So this is already day 5 (22 Aug 2010) of my training. A 9-mile long run under the scorching, Singaporean sun. Geographically, Singapore is hotter than...
I suddenly woke up, very early Saturday morning. I couldn't get back to sleep. I wondered why... Then I remembered, it is: NARNIAN's BIRTHDAY...
If you know me as a friend or runner, or at least have followed my blog for some time, you might have realized that I don't like treadmills. Hate it...
Every Wednesday, for the first half of the training, is devoted to training in hills. Yes, HILLS; not heels, as in the part of the human foot, or the...
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