Master maps
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This blog post is part of an ongoing effort to find the best open source tool for Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs). Nathan Saylor recommended me...
NB! This blog post will constantly change until I find a good open source solution to create a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) from a Digital Elevation...
Together with Jon Olav Eikenes and Christan Løverås, I'm part of a new startup called Norviz. The main focus so far has been on projecting animated graphics...
OpenStreetMap is not only for streets, it also contains an impressive amount of hiking trails. I’m currently planning a a week’s hike in June, crossing...
Norway is a country with huge climate variations between seasons, lowlands and mountains, coastal areas and inland, and between north and south. In the...
I've just finalised two tutorials on mapping grid-based statistics. The tutorials are in Norwegian, but the source code is available in English, and should...
There as been a lot of attention about the diminishing Arctic sea ice in recent years. We’re often exposed to images showing the extremes. My goal was...
I’m going freelance over the summer, after 5 great years at the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK). It was not an easy decision, but I have to try...
I'm back in Oslo after my 25 days ski trip across Nordryggen in Norway. It was a great journey, and I would highly recommend doing all or parts of it...
In my last blog post, we created a created a 500 km continuous line representing a ski route across Nordryggen in Norway. I need to transfer this route...
I’m currently doing my last preparations for a 25 days skiing trip across Nordryggen in Norway. It will of course depend on weather, snow conditions and...
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