Medicinal Plants Kerala
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Common Names : Hindi: काली हल्दी Kali Haldi, Malayalam :Karimanjal കരി മഞ്ഞള് Botanical Name : Curcuma caesia How to Identify : The midvein of...
Arthritis:- ----------- Take one part honey to two parts of luke warm water and add a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder, make a paste and massage it...
Botanical name : Cinnamomum cassia Cinnamon is an evergreen tree which is small and bushy. Dried leaves of cinnamon, along with its dried...
Arthritis:- ----------- Take one part honey to two parts of luke warm water and add a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder, make a paste and massage it...
Botanical Name : Eupatorium triplinerve Vahl English : Ayapana tea Malayalam : Ayapana, Chuvanna Kaiyonni Medical Use : Used for Bleeding Piles...
Botanical name : Abrus precatorius Family : Leguminosae English : Crab's Eye, Lucky bean Malayalam : Kunni Hindi : Ratti It is a perennial...
Botanical Name :Coleus aromaticus Malayalam : Panikoorka, Navara ila Highly antipyretic, used for urinary diseases , decoction of leaves...
Botanical Name : Salacia reticulata English : Salaretin...
How to Improve Blood Count and Platelet Count During chemotherapy with Thespesia Populnea (Portia Tree) Botanical name : Thespesia Populnea English...
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